Giving is good
Dear TSG family,
You know how it is. Sometimes a little help is all that's needed. At the Shootin' Guy compound, we try to bring you weekly reviews and insight to all things out-of-doors. (See our blog for an example) We do this by reaching into our personal pockets to make it happen. The items The Shootin' Kid and I show you and talk about are not sent to us free of charge. We spend our own time and money to get the stuff and produce what you see. It's tough sometimes to meet that demand. I'm hoping you can help.
Now as a subscriber of channel TSG, you know I'm very honored that you would care to even stop by and take a look at what we do here and you are much appreciated. Just watching our content is of great support. Never feel obligated to do any of the items I'm suggesting, but you may have asked the question, "How can I help out and participate even more"? Well, here are four ways you can help;
1) Encourage all of your friends and family to subscribe and watch the Shootin' Guy Channel. Use this link: http://goo.gl/OzlHPY
2) The more you watch, the more it helps. Take a look at our "The Everything" play list and let it play all day every day. Send the link to your friends and family and tell them to play it all day. Use this link: http://goo.gl/ZCiWE8
3) Drop a tip in the Tip Box. This is direct support you can do anytime. Tell everyone you know, that they can help too. Click here
4) Become a Patron! It's the best way to support and become a part of an exclusive part of the creation of our content. Also we do exclusive Patreon GAWs not found on our YouTube Channel. Click on the button to be a part.
There you go. Four ways you can contribute to the TSG compound to help keep the content flowing. Consider clicking on that Donate button and help us out today. I do appreciate you, and all your support.
God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God!